Jquery remove all elements except for first one


Using jquery remove how can i remove all the span tags except for the first one..


 var html = var htm = $("#addin").find(".engagement_data:last-child").find(".keys_values").html();
       <span style="display:block;" class="k_v">
         <innput type="text" class="e_keys" style="width:65px;" placeholder="key"/>
         <input type="text" class="e_values" style="width:65px;" placeholder="value"/>
       <span style="display:block;" class="k_v">
         <input type="text" class="e_keys" style="width:65px;" placeholder="key"/>
         <input type="text" class="e_values" style="width:65px;" placeholder="value"/>

Best Answer

Try with:


or to be more specific:


To remove it from DOM, instead of html variable, use your selector:

$('#addin .engagement_data:last-child .keys_values').not('span:first').remove();