Keep document open in Visual Studio 2013


I noticed in Visual Studio 2013 that when you open a document via 'go to definition/f12' the document is only opened temporarily, as soon as you navigate away from the document it closes again.

Now you have to click on the 'keep open' icon in the tab. How do I 'keep open' all those files automatically like in previous versions of Visual Studio?

Best Answer

This is an optional feature which gives quick navigation to every file in Visual Studio. If you need to keep a file opened all time, you need to double click it.

Single click will open the file temporarily until you decide to open another file which opens in the same preview window. This feature can be disabled using:

TOOLS → Options → Environment → Tabs and Windows → Preview Tab → Single-click

IMO, this is a handy feature (explained here) just to avoid cluttering up the working space.