“List Tools” tab is no longer available after adding webpart to the page


in SharePoint 2010 I have added my webpart above list (standard list or documents library list – it doesn't matter). After this "List Tools" tab is not visible. After some digging I have found, that problem exists even if I add one of the standard SharePoint WebParts.

Here is the same problem and description how to reproduce it:

Has anybody found the solution or real workaround for this?

//EDIT: I've found a "solution". Ribbon is connected with "actual" webpart. One click on the list (to set the focus on it) and the tab is visible again 😀

Best Answer

When you add a web part to the standard list views, the page is no longer classified as a list view page, but instead it is classed as an application page.

This means you lose the ribbon menu, as well as the view selector in the breadcrumb.


You can see the code that hides the view selector in:


But I can't seem to find the code that hides the ribbon.


Okay i think this will work, add a content editor web part with this code:

setTimeout(function() {
    var elem = document.getElementById("MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ2");
    if(elem != null) {
        var dummyevent = new Array();
        dummyevent["target"] = elem;
        dummyevent["srcElement"] = elem;
}, 2000);

Replace the MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ2 id with the web part zone cell of the list view web part.

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