Maven – How to make IntelliJ IDEA update the dependencies from Maven


When I manually add dependencies in the pom.xml of my project, let Maven download the dependencies and let IntelliJ build the module, IntelliJ complains about missing libraries. At the same time Maven can find the dependent JARs and build the project.

How can I tell IntelliJ to use the libs which are downloaded by Maven?

Best Answer

It turns out IntelliJ does not pick up added dependencies from the local Maven repository. We have to tell IntelliJ to reimport the pom.xml.

  1. Open the project view in IntelliJ
  2. Right click the pom.xml file and select Maven - Reimport
  3. If this works for you IntelliJ will add the dependencies to the project
  4. Check the if the dependencies you need are added in
    • File - Project Structure - Project Settings - Libraries
    • and File - Project Structure - Modules - Dependencies