NDK build for target x86_64 results in error


I have set my NDK build Application.mk configured to do build for target x86_64 with APP_ABI configured as below
APP_ABI := x86_64

When I run the NDK build with this, I get error as we below:
Android NDK: NDK Application 'local' targets unknown ABI(s): x86_64
Android NDK: Please APP_ABI definition in Application.mk

I am running the build on Linux x86_64 machine. Any suggestions on fixing this? Do I need to do some settings/configure NDK to do builds for x86_64.

Best Answer

See CPU-X86-64 doc

Your setting is x86-64. Minus, not underscore.

Note that you need to pull this TBD version from git, the published release as of today July 2, is still r9d with no 64-bit support.

Update 2014/07/18

Now that NDK r10 is out, the supported targets are:

APP_ABI=all32 is equivalent to APP_ABI=armeabi,armeabi-v7a,x86,mips.
APP_ABI=all64 is equivalent to APP_ABI=arm64-v8a,x86_64,mips64.

You should specify API level L. You have to download the relevant NDK version from http://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html.

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