Objective-c – Codesign error: Certificate identity appearing twice

code-signingiphoneobjective cxcode4

CodeSign error: Certificate identity 'iPhone Developer: XXXX (12345678)' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one.

So I go to my keychain and delete it. But I get this error every time I restart Xcode 4 and some app is adding the expired old certificate back into keychain. Any ideas why and which app?

Best Answer

I just had the same problem. It has been fixed. It came after I submitted an app and installed a few certificates to sign the app.

Quick Fix: Open up KEYCHAIN ACCESS > click on MY CERTIFICATES> in there you will probably see iPhone Developer: . You will probably see it TWICE! Select the one with the earliest Expiration date, right click and select DELETE.

Restart Xcode if you haven't. Works now. :)

Happy Coding.