Objective-c – Open source Objective-C projects with high quality code

cocoaobjective c

I think one of the best ways to learn a new programming language is to dive into source code and see how experienced coders write. I've found this kind of question asked here on Stack Overflow for other languages, but none targeted at Objective-C. The closest I've found is this question about good-looking Cocoa user interfaces, but I'm thinking in terms of general code quality, such as good use of idioms and design patterns, and usable documentation. Another good characteristic would be a code-base that is large enough to require real organizational discipline, but small enough that a beginner can fit his/her head around.

What do you think is a high-quality open source project that meets these criteria?

Best Answer

There's a decent list of open source Mac projects on CocoaDev: http://cocoadev.com/CocoaOpen

Not all of the projects are still active, but a decent number of them are. I particularly recommend: