Php – Comparing passwords in php and sending it to a database


I am making a login in page and i am a beginner programmer i need to know what function to compare the passwords with then if they do not match tell the user that they dont match and then i need to encrypt them to be sent to the database

Thank you

This is what i have so far:


$Firstname = $_POST['Firstname'];
$Lastname = $_POST['Lastname'];
$Email = $_POST['Email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$password2 = $_POST['password2'];

if ($&&$password&&$Email&&$Firstname&&$Lastname)

if int strcmp ( string $password , string $password2 )

$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","power1") or die("couldn't connect!");
mysql_select_db("members") or die ("couldnt find db!");

INSERT INTO users (Firstname, Lastname, Email, password,...)
VALUES ($Firstname, $Lastname, $Email, $password, $password2,...)

    die("Your Passswords do not match") 

    die("Please enter your credentials");


Best Answer

I think that it is great that you came here to ask for help and I love that you've dived into exactly what you want to do.


$Firstname = $_POST['Firstname'];
$Lastname = $_POST['Lastname'];
$Email = $_POST['Email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$password2 = $_POST['password2'];

So far, this is great. You've created some variables, such as $Firstname, that are easier to read and type than $_POST['Firstname']. Many PHP programmers will do this.

What you have to be careful of, though, is that nothing is guaranteed to exist in the $_POST array. Therefore, things like $_POST['Firstname'] can be undefined. For that reason, you have to test that your desired values exist first.

if ($&&$password&&$Email&&$Firstname&&$Lastname)

I believe here is where you wanted to test that the POST values exist. Unfortunately, this is too late, as an error would have already occurred above. You should consider starting your program in this fashion.


if (isset($_POST['Firstname']) && isset($_POST['Lastname'])
 && isset($_POST['Email'])     && isset($_POST['password'])
 && isset($_POST['password2']))
    $Firstname = $_POST['Firstname'];
    $Lastname = $_POST['Lastname'];
    $Email = $_POST['Email'];
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $password2 = $_POST['password2'];

    // rest of script...

In this example, we make sure that all of the POST values we want to use actually exist before we start using them. This example will not encounter any errors if POST values are missing.

if int strcmp ( string $password , string $password2 )

You have the right idea, but you do not actually need to use strcmp to compare two strings for equality in PHP. Instead, you may simply use the == operator.

if ($password == $password2)

If you really wanted to use strcmp, we can learn from the documentation page that the function returns zero if the strings are equal. Therefore, we could use this.

if (strcmp($password, $password2) == 0)

After you've made sure the passwords match, this is when you'd want to hash the password. Note that hashing is different than encryption: hashing is one-way, meaning that once the password is hashed you cannot take the hash code and get back the password; on the other hand, encryption can be reversed. Because we never-ever want bad guys to know what someone's password actually is, we should hash the password rather than encrypt it.

Of course, the strength of a hash is only as good as the hashing algorithm, and there are many available. sha1 is decently strong and fine for you to use until you are more comfortable with programming.

$password_hash = sha1($password);

You've connected to your database perfectly. Nothing wrong here.

$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","power1") or die("couldn't connect!");
mysql_select_db("members") or die ("couldnt find db!");

However, there is a particular way in which you need to query the database.

INSERT INTO users (Firstname, Lastname, Email, password,...)
VALUES ($Firstname, $Lastname, $Email, $password, $password2,...)

This query needs to be given to the database by passing it as a string to the mysql_query function.

$sql_Firstname = mysql_real_escape_string($Firstname);
$sql_Lastname = mysql_real_escape_string($Lastname);
$sql_Email = mysql_real_escape_string($Email);
$sql_password_hash = mysql_real_escape_string($password_hash);

$sql = "INSERT INTO users (Firstname, Lastname, Email, password)"
      ."`VALUES ('$sql_Firstname', '$sql_Lastname', '$sql_Email', '$sql_password_hash')";


Note a couple things. First of all, I am storing $password_hash in the database instead of $password. This is what we want, as we never want bad guys to hack the database and figure out what people's passwords are. Secondly, notice that I do not construct the SQL string by using $Firstname directly; instead, I only use $sql_Firstname, which is equivalent to $Firstname but has had special characters properly escaped -- this is what the mysql_real_escape_string function does. This is vital for securing yourself against SQL injection attacks, which I recommend you do some reading on:

    die("Your Passswords do not match") 

    die("Please enter your credentials");

The rest of your program is done well; it is good for you to deliberately handle these possible error cases. Make sure that you continue to consider all possibilities and deal with each one appropriately; doing so will help prevent unknown bugs and security vulnerabilities in your code.