Php – how to set an option for form->input( ‘multiple’=>’checkbox’)


i plan to set a checkbox with selected option in my form.
but i am unable to show my checkbox content in the form, i cant see any value instead of just a box for me to select.

how to show value while i using checkbox? i able to show my value while i using select.
this is in a HABTM model. any hints?

here is my selection code.

=> 'Select Related Potential',
//'options' => $users,
'selected' => $ownUserId, )); ?>

Best Answer

This may be relevant:

You cannot use default to check a checkbox - instead you might set the value in $this->data in your controller, $form->data in your view, or set the input option checked to true.

For example:

// in Controller
$this->data['Model']['field'] = true;

Causes the field to have the value true, which will result in a checked checkbox for this field.


$form->input('Model.field', array('checked' => true));

Always checks the checkbox.


$form->input('Model.field', array(
    'checked' => ($this->data['Model']['field'] == 'xxx')

Dynamically sets the checkbox based on whether $this->data['Model']['field'] is 'xxx' or not.

Sorry, completely misunderstood the question.

Did you find your users via list? The options array needs to be in a particular format, a normal find() won't do that.