Php – Recursive directory searcer PHP


How can i write an recursice directory searcher that takes a geven string and return the whole path plus the filename in php?

Best Answer

The php function dir will help you.

There is an example in the notes of the docs (by sojka at online-forum dot net) that shows doing this, which I have included below...

public static function getTreeFolders($sRootPath = UPLOAD_PATH_PROJECT, $iDepth = 0) {
      $aDirs = array();
      $oDir = dir($sRootPath);
      while(($sDir = $oDir->read()) !== false) {
        if($sDir != '.' && $sDir != '..' && is_dir($sRootPath.$sDir)) {
          $aDirs[$iDepth]['sName'][] = $sDir;
          $aDirs[$iDepth]['aSub'][]  = self::getTreeFolders($sRootPath.$sDir.'/',$iDepth);
      return empty($aDirs) ? false : $aDirs;

There are lots of other similar examples from other people on the same page, so find one that you like and go from there...