Python – How to reference a documented Python function parameter using Sphinx markup


I'd like to reference a previously-documented function parameter elsewhere in a Python docstring. Consider the following (admittedly completely artificial) example:

def foo(bar):
    """Perform foo action
    :param bar: The bar parameter

    def nested():
        """Some nested function that depends on enclosing scope's bar parameter.
        I'd like to reference function foo's bar parameter here
        with a link, is that possible?"""
        return bar * bar

    # ...
    return nested()

Is there a simple way to embed a parameter reference using Sphinx markup, or will this happen automagically?

(I'm a complete Sphinx newbie. I've been scanning the Sphinx docs and haven't found an answer to this question, or an example demonstrating proper markup.)

Best Answer

There is no simple way to get a direct reference to a parameter of a function with sphinx and I don't know an extension for this problem.

The documentation of the python domain explains which objects can be cross referenced.

A possible way to give the user a reference to parameter bar of function foo would be

See parameter ``bar`` in :func:`foo`.

Maybe a direct reference would be possible by writing an extension.