– ASP.NET MVC razor: conditional attribute in HTML

Code below doesn't seems clean.
Any suggestion to improve the code?

<li @if(ViewData["pagename"].ToString()=="Business details"){ <text>class="active" </text> } >
        <a  @if(ViewData["pagename"].ToString()=="Business details"){ <text>style="color: white; background-color: #08C; border: 1px solid #08C;" </text> }
            href="@Url.Action("BusinessDetails", "Business")">Business Details</a>
    <li @if (ViewData["pagename"].ToString() == "Booking policies"){ <text>class="active"</text> }> 
        <a  @if (ViewData["pagename"].ToString() == "Booking policies")
               { <text>style="color: white; background-color: #08C; border: 1px solid #08C;" </text> }
            href="@Url.Action("BookingPolicies", "Business")">Booking policies</a> 

Best Answer

MVC has conditional attributes built in...

<div @{if (myClass != null) { <text>class="@myClass"</text> } }>Content</div>
<div class="@myClass">Content</div>

If @myClass is null, it just won't use the attribute at all...

I know that may not quite solve your current issue, but it is noteworthy!