R – ASP.NET Projects with Subversion (VisualSVN Client) – What files should I ignore

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I've just started using Subversion with ASP.NET web applications via the VisualSVN IDE plugin. There are a bunch of files which Visual Studio automatically generates so I don't want to version control these since they're not really part of the codebase and not required to build.

Does anyone have a definitive list of the main files that should be ignored when commiting to Subversion from an ASP.NET Web Application? and how would I go about ignoring these files. If possible I'd like to set it globally so that I don't have to keep doing the same thing for every ASP.NET Web Application that I write and create a new repository for.


A list of files to ignore as submitted in the answers below,

  • bin
  • obj
  • *.exe
  • *.pdb
  • *.suo
  • _ReSharper.*
  • *.user

General concensus seems to be that these should be ignored on a per project basis at the creation of the repository. They will then be ignored by all users using the repository.

Best Answer

Not really 'definitive', but I always ignore .suo and .user files and the bin/ and obj/ directories