Eclipse Kepler not connecting to internet via proxy


I have managed to get Eclipse Juno connecting to the internet. For this to accomplish, there are many posts here on stackoverflow. here is one of this links:
Eclipse not connecting to internet via proxy

Today i installed Eclipse Kepler on my Windows7 box. But accessing the eclipse marketplace or installing new software does not work.
I am using exactly the same proxy configuration as i used for Eclipse Juno. Juno can access the marketplace but Kepler does not.
The proxy uses NTLM Authentification.
Any one here with similar problem?

No success til now. I am still wondering why Juno can connect whereas Kepler can not:-(

Best Answer

I had same issue. I searched and found this.

This post says don't set SOCKS proxy. I tried this advice, and connection was succeeded. I did below:

  1. Open Network Connection Settings.
  2. Select Active Provider to "Manual".
  3. Set HTTP/HTTPS proxy.
  4. Clear SOCKS proxy if this is set.(select SOCKS proxy row and click "Clear" button)
  5. Restart Eclipse to apply these settings.