Typescript – How to convert a string to enum in TypeScript


I have defined the following enum in TypeScript:

enum Color{
    Red, Green

Now in my function I receive color as a string. I have tried the following code:

var green= "Green";
var color : Color = <Color>green; // Error: can't convert string to enum

How can I convert that value to an enum?

Best Answer

Enums in TypeScript 0.9 are string+number based. You should not need type assertion for simple conversions:

enum Color{
    Red, Green

// To String
 var green: string = Color[Color.Green];

// To Enum / number
var color : Color = Color[green];

Try it online

I have documention about this and other Enum patterns in my OSS book : https://basarat.gitbook.io/typescript/type-system/enums