Iphone – Signer not valid error


I've created an ad hoc build of my app and would like another person to install it. I have their device ID (two actually) in the provisioning profile. My certificate is the same for ad hoc and app store provisioning. The certificate is valid in keychain. I've selected the ad hoc profile in Xcode for this build, which is linked to the distribution certificate.

I send the user the provisioning file and .app file. They drop both into iTunes and sync then get this error on both devices:

The application "myapp" was not installed on the iPhone "user's iPhone" because the signer is not valid.

I've removed all profiles from my iPhone, dropped the above two files into iTunes, sync'd and installed the app successfully. I can't get it to repro for me. I need to repro this problem locally to figure out the issue. Any ideas how that can be done?

Best Answer

Did you add Entitlements? Put the signing at the Target level, not the Project level? Select the Ad Hoc profile? DO a clean prior to the build? Select the Ad Hoc Device foe the build?

The best bet is to follow Apple's documentation exactly, get your build settings to exactly match Apple's.