R – Unable to add a new item to source control

svnversion controlvisual-sourcesafevisual-studio-2008

I hope someone can help here, we're having an incredibly annoying time with Visual Studio 2008 and Visual SourceSafe 8.

Basically, when anyone involved with the Web Application Project attempts to add a new "item" (eg. a CSS file) they get the following error:

An error or user cancellation occurred during checkout. Some files may not have been checked out. (File is exclusively checked out by another user.)

If you click on "Details" in the box it says that [ourProject].csproj and [ourProject].csproj.vspscc are "exclusively checked out by another user". Except they're not checked out by anyone we know…

Another infobox then pops up and says:

The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file '[ourProject].csproj' that must be modified cannot be changed. If the file is under source control, you may want to check it out; if the file is read-only on disk, you may want to change its attributes.

Obviously we cannot check out the file [ourProject].csproj, as that's the problem we're having, and obviously (because the file is under source control) it has its READ ONLY attribute flagged. (If I unflag it then I can add files to project once again, but that doesn't seem like a good idea.)

Does anyone know what we can do to fix this problem. It's obviously hindering progress at the moment and we're all pulling our hair out.

Thanks for any help.

Thanks a lot everyone, we switched to SVN!

Best Answer

Have you tried checking out the project file and then trying to add a new item yourself?

Completely remove the solution locally and do a complete Get... from inside Visual Sourcesafe.

Also check in Visual Sourcesafe if the file actually is checked out to someone.