Rendering Partial View in code MVC Razor

I'm using MVC 3 Razor to make a simple CMS for practice purposes, and the idea is that I'm creating a few partial views.

I'm wanting to do a database lookup, and see that 3 partial views need rendering to the page.

How would I do this? In WebForms, you call the LoadControl(ControlURL), but I don't see an equivalent here.

Would it be a client side thing?

Edit – I was more thinking of taking a View name from the model, and then rendering that view rather than knowing the name of the view in advance. So a page might have a view named Foo or a view named Bar. The model, at run time will tell the controller action which view to render.

Best Answer

There are two methods that you can use to render a "control".

@{ Html.RenderPartial("ViewName"); }

You can also render other actions.

@Html.Action("ActionName", "Controller", new { Values = "yourvalues" })
@{ Html.RenderAction("ActionName", "Controller", new { Values = "yourvalues" }); }

Notice the second of each one is surrounded by @{ } this is because they do not return a string but render directly to the stream.