Ruby-on-rails – RSpec: how to test if a method was called


When writing RSpec tests, I find myself writing a lot of code that looks like this in order to ensure that a method was called during the execution of a test (for the sake of argument, let's just say I can't really interrogate the state of the object after the call because the operation the method performs is not easy to see the effect of).

describe "#foo"
  it "should call 'bar' with appropriate arguments" do
    called_bar = false
    subject.stub(:bar).with("an argument I want") { called_bar = true }
    expect(called_bar).to be_true

What I want to know is: Is there a nicer syntax available than this? Am I missing some funky RSpec awesomeness that would reduce the above code down to a few lines? should_receive sounds like it should do this but reading further it sounds like that's not exactly what it does.

Best Answer

it "should call 'bar' with appropriate arguments" do
  expect(subject).to receive(:bar).with("an argument I want")