Sql – Add primary key to existing table

constraintsprimary-keysqlsql serversql-server-2008

I have an existing table called Persion. In this table I have 5 columns:

  • persionId
  • Pname
  • PMid
  • Pdescription
  • Pamt

When I created this table, I set PersionId and Pname as the primary key.

I now want to include one more column in the primary key – PMID. How can I write an ALTER statement to do this? (I already have 1000 records in the table)

Best Answer

drop constraint and recreate it

alter table Persion drop CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>

alter table Persion add primary key (persionId,Pname,PMID)


you can find the constraint name by using the query below:

select OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS NameofConstraint
FROM sys.objects
where OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id)='Persion'
and type_desc LIKE '%CONSTRAINT'