Click to call with the chrome extension for google voice


I use GV to make calls, from my Mac high sierra, chrome browser. I have installed the chrome GV extension, and I understand how it works in terms of phone numbers only being clickable from google sites. However you can highlight a number and then right click and select "Call from ", but what I want is for it to call through GV VOIP, just as if I had typed the number into GV and hit Dial. I must be missing something because I just don't see how to do it. When I tell it to "Call from…" it doesn't work, in any case. So it is not useful. I can take the extra step of copy/paste into the Voice web page but it would just be nice if I could click it. I have a spreadsheet of numbers in Docs and I use this as a sort of CRM and make lots of calls.

Am I missing something simple?

Best Answer

Here is a solution that I think may help you.

The new default is to make outgoing calls via VoIP.

You can disable this by clicking on the Settings Cog (Settings) to the right of the search bar.

Now scroll down to the sub-section Calls. Below that you will see Outgoing calls. There you need to enable the option next to "Always use my phone to place calls". This will cause Google Voice to call the linked phone of your choice, and then place the outgoing call to the other party.