Cognito-forms – API access to Cognito forms


Is there any API access to Cognito Forms or are there plans to make that available?

I'm working on a particular form and finding the email notification is significantly delayed and having API access would be a much simpler solution.

Best Answer

Short answer is yes.

Long answer:

  1. You can post form data as JSON to a webhook. You can set this up under submission settings.

  2. You can use our recently announced Zapier integration to connect Cognito Forms to hundreds of popular cloud services. Check out our announcement post for details:

  3. We do have an official JSON REST API that we use behind the scenes to support our Zapier integration and WordPress plugin. We will make this publicly available once we have documentation in place along with usage policies.

  4. We switched from SendGrid to Mandrill (the enterprise transactional mail service by MailChimp) in order to eliminate delivery lag. We have had customers report delays but these have not been a result of Cognito Forms or Mandrill. If you are experiencing delays, please send us a bug report and we will research email delivery timing for your organization.