Cognito-forms – Email copy of Cognito Form results


I am using the my form to conduct and document site inspections for my non-profit's partners. I would like to be able to enter their email address and upon form submission, have them emailed a copy of the form results as well as have the results appear on my "entries" page (where I then download as PDF and place into their file.)

Is this a capability of the system?

As I work for a non-profit, I am using the free version (I only have one form and am the only user/editor of that form).

Best Answer

I'm part of the Cognito Forms team.

What you described are definitely current capabilities of Cognito Forms! You can email your partners upon form submission with the help of notification and confirmation emails. These emails can include entry details, receipts, and PDF copies of the entry.

Once a form is submitted, it will automatically appear in your Entries page, where you can export it to an Excel spreadsheet or PDF document.