Cognito-forms – What does “status pending” mean in the Cognito forms entries


In the Cognito forms entries, what does “status pending” mean and how does it change to complete?

I have notice that all entries are pending, even my test samples.

Best Answer

Entries in Cognito Forms can have an Entry Status of either Pending or Complete. All entries initially have a Entry Status of Pending, but administrators can mark entries as Complete when they have finished processing an entry. You can also quickly filter entries by Entry Status, which makes it easy to work through the current pending list.

We plan to leverage this Entry Status in the future to support additional features, including Save & Resume, where entries that have been saved but not yet submitted would have a different Entry Status, and workflow, where you may be able to define your own Entry Status options and trigger notifications and approval processes.

This Entry Status is separate from the Payment Status, which tracks whether an entry has been paid. This is helpful when you need to fulfill orders, as the Payment Status might be Paid if paid online when the entry was submitted or Unpaid if a cash or check option was selected. Separate from payment, you would use the Entry Status to determine if the goods or services had actually been delivered to the customer.

This is how filtering by Entry and/or Payment Status looks when managing entries:

enter image description here