Facebook – How to print Facebook friends list


I need to print out my friends list on Facebook. However their instructions just bring me to a blank page. Something is wrong on my account since this happens on whatever PC, laptop I use. Is there a way I can print it off without using Facebook's instructions of entering settings and download a copy? Also perhaps is there a way to print off my contacts from Messenger? This would take the place of printing my friends list on Facebook. Facebook has ignored my support help request since Dec 7.

Best Answer

Easy way to print friend list is to download a copy of your data and look for Friends into data and print the list.

Other way is using Facebook developer tool. See the graph API overview of friend list. A user access token with read_custom_friendlists permission is required. Learn here => how to use graph API.

Another way is to create a new Yahoo! email account and import your Facebook contacts with Yahoo! contacts. Then print from Yahoo! contacts, it will include person name and email id.