Facebook – Remove/mark the seen posts on the Facebook news feed


I follow three Facebook pages and check their posts every morning on my news feed. The problem is I don't know what was the last post I saw the day before. Is there any way to remove all the seen posts or at least mark them as read?

enter image description here

Best Answer

You cannot remove or mark as seen to a post on News Feed. But you can hide a post in your News Feed.

To hide a post in your News Feed, click three dots (...) in the top right of the post and select the options:

  • Hide post: Hides a single post and gives you the option to see fewer posts from a specific person, Page or group.

Instead of hiding posts, it's better to see posts on News Feed in most recent order:

You can view posts by most recent, but News Feed will eventually return to its default setting.

By default, News Feed shows the most popular posts first. To temporarily view stories by most recent:

  1. Click Home at the top of Facebook.
  2. Hover over the News Feed tab in the left side menu and click three dots(...).
  3. Select Most Recent.