Facebook – Why don’t shares of photos from the page to a group show when the group post is re-shared


When I post to a photo (normally via Cinch Share) to a Facebook page I manage, I normally manually share that to another Facebook group I admin.

It shows up fine in the group. However, if someone else then shares from the group post, the photo doesn't show in their time line. Just a Show Attachment with a link to the group's post.

Like this:

Person Shared your Post Photo

If you drill into the Show Attachment link you don't get much more:

enter image description here

Basically a link to the photo I posted, but not the photo or the accompanying text.

Posting it directly to the group seems to share properly on others timelines.

The pattern is:

  1. Photo posted to page – photo and text shows up on page
  2. Shared from page to group – photo and text shows up on group
  3. Re-shared from group – no photo or text show up in the second share (either in group or in personal timelines)

What am I doing wrong?

I'd like to only post it once in the page because I get Insights off the page that we don't get off of the group.

Best Answer

Facebook doesn't allow sharing from closed or secret groups. Anyone who wants to share a photo/post from your Page needs to go to your Page and share from there.