Gmail – How to Forward Emails as Attachments Instead of Inline


Everytime someone sends a mail to my company's support email address, it reaches my boss. He then forwards the mails to whoever of us he thinks could be helpful, usually with a message like "Could you check this and follow up with him?".

However, he always forwards me the emails inline, not as an attachment, which makes it impossible for me to reply; I can only compose a new mail to the original sender.

I've asked him to sent the forwarded emails as attachments instead, but there seems to be no obvious way to do that in the GMail web client he's using. However, the comment on this question seems to suggest that it's possible (and I would imagine so, as it's a fairly standard email function).

So, how can he enable forwarding as an attachment in the Google webmail interface?

Best Answer

After some googling this is the best answer I can give you

Click on "Options" then click on "Show original":

The view source of the new window and then save that to a file that you can then attach

readnotify send as attachement (gmail)

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