Gmail – How secure is sending an email from Gmail


When you send an email from Gmail to someone what measures do they have in place to make sure that the email is not read by man-in-the-middle attacks, or other servers that the email is routed through?

If spam filters can read what's in the message then surely email is super dodgy and we really should not be using email to send important information?

Best Answer

Simply said; it isn't.
By security I'm guessing you mean that nobody else can read your mail.
In essence security depends on 3 points; A origin;B path, and C destination.

If you are sending mail from you computer; and you consider your computer secure; that's it for point A. If you are sending from webmail interface; gmail uses ssl that helps; but sending from your computer is still more secure.

in case of path; you need to encrypt in a way that will be difficult to crack; and agree with receiver how to decrypt it. For example pgp is quite popular and simple.

Everything mentioned for point A works for point C