Gmail – Paste text in Gmail without the grey box with rounded corners


It seems like recently, when I post do a paste in a new Gmail message, there's a box with a gray border and rounded corners that surrounds the contents of the paste. This is incredibly annoying. If I do a Ctrl + Shift + V it'll paste plain text, and I'll lose my hyperlinks and such.

How do I paste without resulting in the "quote box"?

Edit: I'm using Chrome 12 on Windows7.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Copy text from another Gmail message.
  2. Go to Compose Mail
  3. Paste into mail window in Google
  4. Happens in new mail, replies, etc.

Edit 2: This seems to ONLY happen if you copy and paste between Gmail messages, the above steps have been corrected. Sorry about that.

Here is a screenshot
Boxed message in Gmail

Best Answer

I can reproduce the "quote box" with the latest Chrome version (Canary Build v.13), but not with current stable version (Chrome v.11). So the quote box should be a "new feature" introduced in the newer versions of Chrome.

I am afraid that, at least now, if you do not like the "quote box", you can only either use plain text to compose your mail, or change back to use the stable channel Chrome (v.11) instead.

Update: Another workaround, as you mentioned, since this only happens in copying and pasting Gmail messages, you could first try to copy the message you want from Gmail to another text editor supporting rich text, and then copy it back to your Gmail again......