Gmail – Prevent Right-Click from Opening a New Message Panel


If an email message contains an email address in the body, Gmail automatically converts it into a mailto: link, which is helpful.

And many times each day I've enjoyed being able to right-click a mailto: link in an email (within Gmail) and then click "Copy email address" in the context menu.

Then I can paste that email address into a program (such as when I want to search a database).

However, within the past month or so, I've noticed that I can't right-click and click "Copy email address" without Gmail then popping open a "New Message" panel and changing my current URL to have ?compose=new at the end.

I wonder if it's related to this month's rollout of new right-click features.

How can I disable it?

I'm tried of having to click the "Discard draft" trash can button so many times throughout the day.

Best Answer

Well, this is caused by the fact that Gmail detects Chrome browser and ignores global browser setting which results in converting all email addresses by injecting mailto: address before each of them. is converted to and therefore clicking on such address defaults to open compose window. Manually removing mailto: part from source code fixes the issue and further right clicking won't trigger the opening of compose window.



Therefore, a solution would be to find some Chrome extension which is able to edit source code upon website load and remove all instances of mailto:

Another solution would be not clicking on an email address you want to copy, but highlight it with a mouse cursor and hitting CTRL + C

enter image description here

If you are with administrator access, this article states that mailto: scheme can be globally blacklisted:

In other instances (outside of you need to delete Gmail from handlers at chrome://settings/handlers (but as already mentioned this won't work when on Gmail in Chrome)