Gmail Verification Code


When I signed up for Gmail, this was sent to my secondary email address:

Congratulations on creating your brand
new Gmail address,
Please keep this email for your
records, as it contains an important
verification code that you may need
should you ever encounter problems or
forget your password.

You can login to your account at


The Gmail Team

Verification code:

Unfortunately, my secondary email address was hacked. I don't want the hacker to use one account to hijack another account.

So, how do I get a new verification code or how do I invalidate this validation code?

Best Answer

You have access to the new account so,

  1. Change your recovery address.
  2. Change your SMS and Security question.
  3. Change your password

After this, the account you removed, will not be able to get the recovery link
Recovery section

                                 *  *  *

I have tried different ways to get Gmail to ask for the original verification code but in all cases I have tried, they don't ask for it.

Also testing against a recovery account I removed

  1. The email account did not receive the recovery link
  2. For a forgotten username the email account did receive an email but the email basically said there were no Gmail accounts associated with the current one.

Reading various forums it seems it used to ask for the verification code in a form.
But I do not see it there anymore.