Gmail – Why Emails to Disabled Accounts Don’t Bounce


I have admin rights for Google Apps on our domain. Recently an employee left the firm. Rather than delete his Google account, I just disabled his rights to use GMail. This worked. His account can no longer be used to access GMail. Yet when I send mail to his GMail account, I don't receive a bounce-back (NDR – non-deliverable). Why is this? I'd prefer that those who send email to this old account get a bounce-back so they don't assume that their email was delivered successfully. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Removing access is not the same as removing the email. The email account still exists, they just can't access it. So emails are collecting in the inbox. If you enable access and log in, you will see them. To get a message to bounce, you have to remove the email account entirely. If you managed your own mailbox server, for example Postfix, then you could probably set an option or filter to bounce even if the account existed. However, for web-based mail, you won't have that level of control.