Google Docs – Create Input Field Allowing Only Numbers


We need to create a form asking the clients for their age. Is there any way to create a field where you can only fill in numbers – maybe only 4 numbers like 1976 or 2011?

Another field input would be date. It would be perfect if I could limit the number – something like "not lower than 1800 and not higher than 2012" to prevent invalid numbers.

I can create a question with drop down list, but creating a list of all possible years would be stupid and uncomfortable to choose from.

Best Answer

Google Spreadsheet now takes into account Data Validation when submitting forms. So you can set a rule on your Age column to only allow numbers greater than 0.

When submitting a response which doesnt fit this rule the user is given this message: Oops...

I found out about it after reading this post.