Google-search – Google Search: starring a result and refreshing — the star is not “sticking”


I'm a long time Google Bookmarks fan and I appreciate the integration with Google Search. For some reason, I'm typing a query like "maps national parks" and clicking the star on the result "United States National Parks and Monuments Maps – Perry-Castañeda …" to bookmark it. When I hit refresh, however, the star is empty/white. (Note that when I click the link for the page and hit my Bookmark bookmarklet the site is showing up linked, for example with the tag "maps" that I put there. Usually the star and the "maps" tag show up in search results.)

Has anyone else seen this or know how to fix it? Or is it just a matter of one Google server/cluster catching up with another?

Best Answer

Every time you click the star, an AJAX request is sent to the Google servers. Since Google gives no feedback of the request completing, it could be a matter of you refreshing the page too early.

It may be that a certain server/cluster hadn't been updated yet, but the problem should fix itself in a few seconds if that was the case.