Google Search – How to Escape Functional Characters

google-searchspecial characters

How do you search searches that include Google functional characters, like

  • -
  • *
  • "

on Google?

For example, how would one search for "Hello World" with the quotes included into the search?

Best Answer

The general answer from Google is that you can't get Google to recognize symbols as literals in a search. There are a few special things symbols are used for (e.g. - to negate a word) and other than that they're ignored. It's unfortunate, but that's what seems to be for most search engines. SymbolHound is a search engine designed to fix this problem, but it seems to have an extremely limited search set.

It seems that searching using symbols is a problem that is largely not dealt with, which is unfortunate for those of us who need to include symbols in our search queries on a regular basis.