No Results on Google Search in Normal Mode but Results in Incognito


In normal browsing mode, when I search for "pimp scroll bar html", I get no results:


However on Incognito mode (for Google Chrome), suddenly I get results:

I disabled all my extensions, and yet the problem is still there. Why does this happen?

EDIT: I tried logging out of my google account, and for some BIZZARE reason, now the search works properly. Why would me being logged in stop the searches from appearing?

Best Answer

This is a really silly situation.

The answer really only deserves a single line: I had safe search turned on.

Somehow I took a screenshot of that, and didn't notice.

(In the 0.0001% chance somebody needs to know, you can just turn safe search off by clicking the gear at the top right of the page (under your account picture)).