Google Search – How to Personalize Search Results Based on Keywords


Can I set some sort of preference to say, when df is typed, set the first result to be bay12games... on my computer alone and not for the entire web?

Say I want to type this in Google Search:


I want this to be the first answer that only my computer will return:

custom search result from Google

Not this actual listing:

actual search results

I'm not asking about getting my website to rank or show up first in the results, but rather customising what is shown to me and me alone.

Best Answer

Google does have a personalized search, providing you are logged in to your Google account and you have Google Web History enabled. This will customise the search results for your machine/account only.

However, I don't think you can be so specific as to control the exact position of these results and to position a particular site at the top of the list.