Google-sheets – Automate range name creation in Google Sheets

google sheetsgoogle-apps-script

I am tired of meaningless spreadsheets. I want to use range names more often. It's a pain to make them by hand. My thought if each column on each sheet is given a range, then most of the pain of range creation is done. In the bulk of cases range would be defined as the rest of the column. E.g.

|  C   |

Then the script/add-on would create

Rangename Cost
Range C2:C

I would like a script or Google Sheet addon that would in essence

Foreach sheet {
   Foreach Column
       Create Named-Range Column-Name using Column:1 for name

Ranges have to be globally unique. So if Cost is a column name on multiple sheets, a mechanism to make it unique needs to be devised.

  • User is responsible for making unique column names. Script behaviour undefined if a duplicate is found.

  • Script prepends sheetname to column name. This produces long names.

  • Script prepends some abstraction of sheet name. Removal of all lower case letters comes to mind. E.g. Inv_Summary becomes I_S- This still might produce collisions.

The best option I think would be to require the script to point out collisions, and exit.

Need a way to maintain them. You add columns, rename columns. Rerun the script updates the names AND their use in formulas throughout the sheet. Internally Sheets is capable of handling a range rename. I don't know if there is an API for this.

Like a way to substitute range names for C:R references in existing sheets. I think this is a separate issue.

What have I tried:

A: search on Google product groups. This provided no joy.

B: google: Automatically create range names. This article shows how it works in excel.