Google-sheets – Conditional formatting to highlight Quiz Answers

conditional formattinggoogle sheets

I checked multiple similar threads but could not find exactly what I need (as far as I can tell).

We prepare quiz shows using google spreadsheets, and we do have the occasional human error. This is what it looks like:

Example question

As you can see, we have the correct answer spelled out in letters, but we need to have the number as well. I would like to add conditional formatting in column K so that if the answer matching the number (1 for Answer A, 2 for Answer B, 3 for Answer C) does not match the actual text in column F, it will be highlighted in red. If it matches, it will be highlighted in green (as it is right now, but that's not a conditional formatting).

Would anyone be able to help? We figured out the formula to add a column which will do this check and return "OK" or "WRONG", but I would much rather have it as a conditional formatting.

The formula is: =if(K3=if(F3=G3,1,if(F3=H3,2,if(F3=I3,3,10))),"ok","WRONG")

Best Answer

I forgot to update this yesterday but here is the final answer (thanks Irin Thirdwater!):



The first line with green highlight, second with red.

Hope this helps in case anyone else needs it!