Google-sheets – Date automation down columns

dategoogle sheets

I know how to get Google Spreadsheets to automate dates down a column. Write a date, left click on the crosshair in the bottom right hand corner, drag down and let go.

The thing I'm hoping to do though is have, say, ten (or any given amount) rows down a column of today's date, then ten of tomorrow's date, and so on down indefinitely. It's for inputting sales data.

Best Answer

Assuming the first row is used for column headers, you can enter

=arrayformula(date(2015,11,8) + floor((row(A2:A)-2)/10))

into cell A2, and get the list of dates with each repeated 10 times. This list will fill the entire first column; if more rows are added later, they will be automatically filled as well.

A formula can't add new rows to a spreadsheet (for that one would need a script), but if someone is manually entering sales data, they may as well add rows when needed.