Google Sheets – Display Month and Year on Chart

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-charts

I have a line chart created after data that's stored like this:

     A       B        C        D
1 | 2017   |        | 2018   |      |
2 | NOV    |        | FEB    |      |
3 | 0      | 0      | 2079   | 2079 |

4 | DEC    |        | MAR    |      |
5 | 0      | 0      | 2800   | 2900 |
6 |        |        | 100    |      |

The chart uses values from columns B and D, which can be a =SUM from column A or C.
The chart has these options:
Data range: B1-100,D1-100
Combine ranges: vertically
Plot null values

It looks like this:
enter image description here

What I wish to do now is also display the month and year on the chart, so I can identify to what period the points belong to. Something like:
enter image description here

I cannot figure out how I would configure the chart in order to display these.

Best Answer

I couldn't find a solution without doing major changes to my data set, so I've chosen to create another chart based on the following data:

Chart axis   years  years Annotations
ian          | 0  |   |       
feb          | 0  |       
mar          | 0  |       
apr          | 0  |       
mai          | 0  |       
iun          | 0  |  2016 
iul          | 0  |         
aug          | 0  |         
sep          | 0  |         
oct          | 0  |         
noi          | 0  |         
dec          | 0  |       

Years column is set to 0 so the data points are all at the base of the cart. Then I make the main chart that holds the actual numbers transparent, and move this second chart behind it. It looks like this:
enter image description here

It doesn't align perfectly with the data points.
Far from ideal, but works.
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