Google-sheets – filter or query an IMPORTRANGE in a single formula without importing the range multiple times or using a second worksheet

google sheetsimportrange

I want to do this without using a second worksheet to hold the imported range.
ie. Filter(myimportRange, importrangepart = mycondition) since this has to import the range twice.

I also cannot seem to query the IMPORTRANGE since this results in blank cells as seen here:

WA90350 question example

Can I filter an IMPORTRANGE in a single formula without importing the range multiple times in the filter?

Best Answer

Can I filter or query an IMPORTRANGE in a single formula without importing the range multiple times or using a second worksheet?


For example if you happened to have in Sheet1 of a document:

WA90350 first example

then this formula in F2 of the same sheet:

=query(importrange(" k e y ","Sheet1!A:D"),"select * where Col3 = 'Client 1'")

would return:

WA90350 second example

provided you use the appropriate k e y.