Google-sheets – Filtering a protected column

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-filter

I'm trying to filter a protected column in a spreadsheet that I shared with other users.

But I it looks like I can protect it or filter it with the other user but not both.

In Excel I can do it without a problem. Do I have any option to do so?

Best Answer

At this time, on Google Sheets

  • owner and users with permissions to edit a protected range
    • are allowed
      • to filter it.
      • to edit saved filters.
  • users without permissions to edit a protected range
    • are not allowed
      • to filter the protected range.
      • to edit view filters created by others.
    • are allowed
      • to create temporary and to save view filters
      • to edit own saved view filters.

The above behaviour is by-design. If you want that it be changed, submit a feature request through the Help menu > Report a problem

An alternative is to add an auxiliary sheet to include the data from the protected range by using an array like the following:


This way the original data is kept secure while allowing users without permission to edit the protected range with edit access to filter views on the auxiliary sheet created by others.
