Google-sheets – Formula to include “blank” if cell =0

formulasgoogle sheets

I worked out most of this but cannot get the last part which would require the cell to be showing "0" if another cell is blank. Here is what I tried most recently. This is in Google Sheets, in case it matters.


Best Answer

=IF(B11>9.5; B11*0; 
 IF(B11<9.5; B11+20-B11; 
 IF(B11=""; ""; B11)))

but I believe you need:

=IF(AND(ISNUMBER(B11); B11>9.5); B11*0; 
 IF(AND(ISNUMBER(B11); B11<9.5); B11+20-B11; 
 IF(B11=""; ""; B11)))

...also B11+20-B11 is pretty much same as to have there 20 instead