Google Sheets Query – Fix Date Formatting Not Working in Query Function

google sheetsgoogle-sheets-query

I'm trying to make this query work on my spreadsheet on chrome Win7:

              GROUP BY (A) FORMAT MAX(A) 'MMMM' ")

Everything is ok except for the format part.
I'd like my date to show just as a month name but it shows exactly in the standard way (dd/MM/YYYY).

I would like to point out that neither a simple query like


displays the dates in the wanted format =\

What am I doing wrong? The document I'm working on is this: BENZINA

Best Answer

That's not possible. The QUERY documentation is primarily meant for the Google Visualization API and not the QUERY function in Google Spreadsheet. Read the following thread from the Google Product Forum: QUERY FORMAT.

What you could do instead, is to create a second column, containing the date format you want: MONTH(A2).