Google Sheets – Avoid Selecting Cell Address with Arrow Keys

google sheets

Sometimes, while editing the contents of a cell, using the arrow keys will not move the cursor but instead inserts the address to an adjacent cell.

Here is an example of this problem with a screenshot: I go into an empty cell and enter =SUMIF( and then decide I want to use a normal SUM instead of a SUMIF so I hit the left arrow key once to move the cursor back, but this enters the address of the cell to the left.
screenshot of arrow key setting a cell address

It doesn't always happen, so I wonder if there are conditions which cause it to occur which can be avoided. Is there a meta key which ensure the arrows can be used for navigation? Or can this functionality be disabled entirely?

Best Answer

Short answer

Google Sheets doesn't have meta-keys that disable cell navigation and referencing during the edition of a formula and this behaviour can't be disabled.


  1. Add ) before pressing the left arrow key. i.e. if you write =SUMIF(, press ) so you have =SUMIF(). Now press the left arrow key.
  2. Press Backspace instead of the left arrow key.

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