How to Use Filter with Multiple Criteria in Google Sheets

formulasgoogle sheetsgoogle-sheets-filtergoogle-sheets-query

I'm working with Google Sheet for healthcare purposes organizing patients lists and endorsement to team issues:

=filter('CASES LIST'!C:R,('CASES LIST'!Q:Q="admission")+('CASES LIST'!Q:Q="pending")+('CASES LIST'!Q:Q="PCI"))

Can I make it shorter like:

=filter('CASES LIST'!C:R,('CASES LIST'!Q:Q="admission"or"pending"or"pci"))

I want to filter the data if it contains either admission, pending or pci.

Best Answer

Please use the following query formula (adjusting ranges to your needs), instead of the one you already use.

=QUERY({P1:R},"where Col2 matches 'admission|PCI|pending' ",0)

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