Google-sheets – Import specific rows and formulas from master sheet

google sheetsimportrange

I have been looking for hours now how to solve my problem, as it follows :

I want to duplicate this master sheet a hundred times and be able to let the end-users fill in the green cells, without breaking the IMPORTRANGE formula (cell A3).

Also keeping the original formulas (additions and multiplications) of the master sheet within the copied sheets would be a great plus.

I have tried multi things with QUERY formulas but I just can't sort it out.

Thanks in advance to anyone helping out !

Best Answer

Do the following:

  1. Make a copy of tab Feuille 1

The rest of the steps are all in this copied tab.

  1. In cell A3 place the formula

=IMPORTRANGE("1hwZCXxC_beJ7mWas0Wl5bUcOw7l7sm3NrO9Czk1oCs4";"Feuille 1!A3:R7")

  1. In cell A14 place:

=IMPORTRANGE("1hwZCXxC_beJ7mWas0Wl5bUcOw7l7sm3NrO9Czk1oCs4";"Feuille 1!A14:R20")

  1. Manually fill in the values for cells A8, A9-R9, A11-B11.

  2. Go to Data >> Protected sheets and ranges and lock the sheet except cells B8-R8.

  3. Delete the first sheet keeping just the copy.
  4. Make 100 copies of your TEST sheet.
  5. Enjoy :)