Google-sheets – Possible to sum a Cell in two different Google workbooks

google sheets

I have two different Google Sheets. They have 2 different names and are both listed in my Google Drive.
They are identical except they contain individually keyed data. Cell and Colum names are identical.

To recap: These are NOT separate sheets on the SAME Google Sheet workbook, they are separate workbooks.

Is it possible to SUM a Cell in location A1: from Workbook named "This is workbook 1" to another separate URL address "This is workbook 2" ?

I know how to sum across tabs/sheets inside same workbook and that is not my question.

Best Answer

=IMPORTRANGE("sheet URL or key", "This is workbook 1!A1")

Replace "sheet URL or key" with your source sheet URL and "This is workbook1!A1" with the correct tab name and cell but in both cases keep them in double quotes.

IMPORTRANGE expects text not actual ranges/URLs.
